c++ program for high-precision atomic structure calculations of single-valence systems
1 #pragma once
2 #include "qip/Vector.hpp" // for std::vector overloads
3 #include <array>
4 #include <cassert>
5 #include <complex>
6 #include <gsl/gsl_blas.h>
7 #include <gsl/gsl_complex.h>
8 #include <gsl/gsl_complex_math.h>
9 #include <gsl/gsl_eigen.h>
10 #include <gsl/gsl_linalg.h>
11 #include <gsl/gsl_math.h>
12 #include <iostream>
13 #include <type_traits>
14 #include <utility>
15 #include <vector>
17 template <typename T>
18 struct is_complex : std::false_type {};
19 template <typename T>
20 struct is_complex<std::complex<T>> : std::true_type {};
21 template <typename T>
22 constexpr bool is_complex_v = is_complex<T>::value;
24 //==============================================================================
26 namespace LinAlg {
29 template <typename T>
30 class View;
32 //==============================================================================
34 template <typename T = double>
35 class Matrix {
37 protected:
38  std::size_t m_rows;
39  std::size_t m_cols;
40  std::vector<T> m_data{};
42 public:
44  Matrix() : m_rows(0), m_cols(0) {}
47  Matrix(std::size_t rows, std::size_t cols)
48  : m_rows(rows), m_cols(cols), m_data(rows * cols) {}
51  // excplicit, since don't alow flot->int converions
52  explicit Matrix(std::size_t dimension)
53  : m_rows(dimension), m_cols(dimension), m_data(dimension * dimension) {}
57  Matrix(std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<T>> ll)
58  : m_rows(ll.size()), m_cols(ll.begin()->size()), m_data{} {
59  // way to avoid copy?
60  m_data.reserve(m_rows * m_cols);
61  for (auto &l : ll) {
62  m_data.insert(m_data.end(), l.begin(), l.end());
63  }
64  }
67  Matrix(std::size_t rows, std::size_t cols, std::initializer_list<T> l)
68  : m_rows(rows), m_cols(cols), m_data{l} {
69  assert(m_data.size() == rows * cols &&
70  "initializer_list must be rows*cols");
71  }
74  Matrix(std::size_t rows, std::size_t cols, std::vector<T> &&v)
75  : m_rows(rows), m_cols(cols), m_data{std::forward<std::vector<T>>(v)} {
76  assert(m_data.size() == rows * cols &&
77  "initializer_list must be rows*cols");
78  }
80  Matrix(std::size_t rows, std::size_t cols, const std::vector<T> &v)
81  : m_rows(rows), m_cols(cols), m_data{v} {
82  assert(m_data.size() == rows * cols &&
83  "initializer_list must be rows*cols");
84  }
86  //============================================================================
89  std::size_t rows() const { return m_rows; }
91  std::size_t cols() const { return m_cols; }
93  std::size_t size() const { return m_data.size(); }
97  T *data() { return; }
99  const T *data() const { return; }
101  //============================================================================
104  const T *operator[](std::size_t i) const { return &(m_data[i * m_cols]); }
106  T *operator[](std::size_t i) { return &(m_data[i * m_cols]); }
109  T &at(std::size_t row_i, std::size_t col_j) {
110  assert(row_i < m_rows && col_j < m_cols);
111  return m_data[row_i * m_cols + col_j];
112  }
114  T at(std::size_t row_i, std::size_t col_j) const {
115  assert(row_i < m_rows && col_j < m_cols);
116  return m_data[row_i * m_cols + col_j];
117  }
119  T &operator()(std::size_t i, std::size_t j) { return at(i, j); }
121  T operator()(std::size_t i, std::size_t j) const { return at(i, j); }
123  //============================================================================
126  auto begin() { return m_data.begin(); }
127  auto cbegin() const { return m_data.cbegin(); }
128  auto end() { return m_data.end(); }
129  auto cend() const { return m_data.cend(); }
132  // [[deprecated]]
133  const T *row(std::size_t row) const {
134  return + long(row * m_cols);
135  }
138  [[nodiscard]] View<T> row_view(std::size_t row) {
139  return View<T>(this->data(), row * m_cols, m_cols, 1ul);
140  }
142  [[nodiscard]] View<const T> row_view(std::size_t row) const {
143  return View<const T>(this->data(), row * m_cols, m_cols, 1ul);
144  }
146  [[nodiscard]] View<T> column_view(std::size_t col) {
147  return View<T>(this->data(), col, m_rows, m_rows);
148  }
150  [[nodiscard]] View<const T> column_view(std::size_t col) const {
151  return View<const T>(this->data(), col, m_rows, m_rows);
152  }
154  //============================================================================
159  [[nodiscard]] auto as_gsl_view();
162  [[nodiscard]] auto as_gsl_view() const;
164  //============================================================================
165  // Basic matrix operations:
166  //============================================================================
167  //============================================================================
171  [[nodiscard]] T determinant() const;
179  [[nodiscard]] Matrix<T> inverse() const;
181  [[nodiscard]] Matrix<T> transpose() const;
183  //============================================================================
188  Matrix<T> &zero();
189  // //! M -> M + aI, for I=identity (adds a to diag elements), in place
190  // Matrix<T> &plusIdent(T a = T(1));
191  //============================================================================
194  [[nodiscard]] Matrix<T> conj() const;
196  [[nodiscard]] auto real() const;
198  [[nodiscard]] auto imag() const;
200  [[nodiscard]] auto complex() const;
205  //============================================================================
210  [[nodiscard]] friend Matrix<T> mult_elements(Matrix<T> a,
211  const Matrix<T> &b) {
212  return a.mult_elements_by(b);
213  }
215  //============================================================================
216  // Operator overloads: +,-, scalar */
218  Matrix<T> &operator+=(const Matrix<T> &rhs);
219  Matrix<T> &operator-=(const Matrix<T> &rhs);
220  Matrix<T> &operator*=(const T x);
221  Matrix<T> &operator/=(const T x);
223  //============================================================================
224  // nb: these are defined inline here to avoid ambiguous overload?
225  [[nodiscard]] friend Matrix<T> operator+(Matrix<T> lhs,
226  const Matrix<T> &rhs) {
227  return (lhs += rhs);
228  }
229  [[nodiscard]] friend Matrix<T> operator-(Matrix<T> lhs,
230  const Matrix<T> &rhs) {
231  return (lhs -= rhs);
232  }
233  [[nodiscard]] friend Matrix<T> operator*(const T x, Matrix<T> rhs) {
234  return (rhs *= x);
235  }
236  [[nodiscard]] friend Matrix<T> operator*(Matrix<T> lhs, const T x) {
237  return (lhs *= x);
238  }
239  [[nodiscard]] friend Matrix<T> operator/(Matrix<T> lhs, const T x) {
240  return (lhs /= x);
241  }
243  //============================================================================
245  Matrix<T> &operator+=(T aI);
247  Matrix<T> &operator-=(T aI);
249  [[nodiscard]] friend Matrix<T> operator+(Matrix<T> M, T aI) {
250  return (M += aI);
251  }
252  [[nodiscard]] friend Matrix<T> operator-(Matrix<T> M, T aI) {
253  return (M -= aI);
254  }
256  //============================================================================
258  template <typename U>
259  friend Matrix<U> operator*(const Matrix<U> &a, const Matrix<U> &b);
261  //============================================================================
262  template <typename U>
263  friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Matrix<U> &a);
264 };
266 //==============================================================================
267 //==============================================================================
268 //==============================================================================
270 //==============================================================================
271 //==============================================================================
272 //==============================================================================
274 template <typename T>
275 constexpr auto myEps();
278 template <typename T>
279 bool equal(const Matrix<T> &lhs, const Matrix<T> &rhs, T eps = myEps<T>());
281 } // namespace LinAlg
283 #include "Matrix.ipp"
Matrix class; row-major.
Definition: Matrix.hpp:35
friend Matrix< T > mult_elements(Matrix< T > a, const Matrix< T > &b)
Returns new matrix, C_ij = A_ij*B_ij.
Definition: Matrix.hpp:210
const T * row(std::size_t row) const
Returns raw c pointer to start of a row.
Definition: Matrix.hpp:133
T at(std::size_t row_i, std::size_t col_j) const
As above, but const.
Definition: Matrix.hpp:114
View< const T > column_view(std::size_t col) const
Returns an immutable 'View' of a column.
Definition: Matrix.hpp:150
const T * operator[](std::size_t i) const
[] index access (with no range checking). [i][j] returns ith row, jth col
Definition: Matrix.hpp:104
View< const T > row_view(std::size_t row) const
Returns an immutable 'View' of a row.
Definition: Matrix.hpp:142
Matrix< T > & make_identity()
Constructs a diagonal unit matrix (identity), in place; only for square.
Definition: Matrix.ipp:143
Matrix< T > & invert_in_place()
Inverts the matrix, in place. Uses GSL; via LU decomposition. Only works for double/complex<double>.
Definition: Matrix.ipp:77
Matrix(std::size_t rows, std::size_t cols, const std::vector< T > &v)
Initialise a matrix from single initialiser list. {...}.
Definition: Matrix.hpp:80
std::size_t size() const
Return rows*columns [total array size].
Definition: Matrix.hpp:93
std::size_t rows() const
Return rows [major index size].
Definition: Matrix.hpp:89
Matrix< T > conj() const
Returns conjugate of matrix.
Definition: Matrix.ipp:163
Matrix< T > & operator+=(const Matrix< T > &rhs)
Overload standard operators: do what expected.
Definition: Matrix.ipp:218
Matrix(std::initializer_list< std::initializer_list< T >> ll)
Initialise a matrix from initialiser list. {{},{},{}}. Each row must be same length.
Definition: Matrix.hpp:57
auto begin()
iterators for underlying std::vector (entire data)
Definition: Matrix.hpp:126
friend Matrix< U > operator*(const Matrix< U > &a, const Matrix< U > &b)
Matrix multiplication: C_ij = sum_k A_ik*B_kj.
auto complex() const
Converts a real to complex matrix (changes type; returns a complex matrix)
Definition: Matrix.ipp:205
auto imag() const
Returns imag part of complex matrix (changes type; returns a real matrix)
Definition: Matrix.ipp:194
T & operator()(std::size_t i, std::size_t j)
() index access (with range checking). (i,j) returns ith row, jth col
Definition: Matrix.hpp:119
View< T > row_view(std::size_t row)
Returns a mutable 'View' of a row.
Definition: Matrix.hpp:138
auto as_gsl_view()
Returns gsl_matrix_view (or _float_view, _complex_view, _complex_float_view). Call ....
Definition: Matrix.ipp:310
Matrix< T > & conj_in_place()
Conjugates matrix, in place.
Definition: Matrix.ipp:174
T & at(std::size_t row_i, std::size_t col_j)
() index access (with range checking). (i,j) returns ith row, jth col
Definition: Matrix.hpp:109
View< T > column_view(std::size_t col)
Returns a mutable 'View' of a column.
Definition: Matrix.hpp:146
Matrix(std::size_t dimension)
Initialise a blank square matrix dimension*dimension, filled with 0.
Definition: Matrix.hpp:52
Default initialiser.
Definition: Matrix.hpp:44
const T * data() const
As above, but const.
Definition: Matrix.hpp:99
Matrix(std::size_t rows, std::size_t cols, std::initializer_list< T > l)
Initialise a matrix from single initialiser list. {...}.
Definition: Matrix.hpp:67
T * data()
Returns pointer to first element. Note: for std::complex<T>, this is a pointer to complex<T>,...
Definition: Matrix.hpp:97
T * operator[](std::size_t i)
As above, but const.
Definition: Matrix.hpp:106
Matrix< T > transpose() const
Returns transpose of matrix.
Definition: Matrix.ipp:111
Matrix< T > & zero()
Sets all elements to zero, in place.
Definition: Matrix.ipp:154
Matrix< T > inverse() const
Returns inverse of the matrix. Leaves original matrix intact. Uses GSL; via LU decomposition....
Definition: Matrix.ipp:104
std::size_t cols() const
Return columns [minor index size].
Definition: Matrix.hpp:91
T determinant() const
Returns the determinant. Uses GSL; via LU decomposition. Only works for double/complex<double>
Definition: Matrix.ipp:49
Matrix< T > & mult_elements_by(const Matrix< T > &a)
Muplitplies all the elements by those of matrix a, in place: M_ij *= a_ij.
Definition: Matrix.ipp:270
auto real() const
Returns real part of complex matrix (changes type; returns a real matrix)
Definition: Matrix.ipp:183
Matrix(std::size_t rows, std::size_t cols, std::vector< T > &&v)
Initialise a matrix from single initialiser list. {...}.
Definition: Matrix.hpp:74
T operator()(std::size_t i, std::size_t j) const
As above, but const.
Definition: Matrix.hpp:121
Matrix(std::size_t rows, std::size_t cols)
Initialise a blank matrix rows*cols, filled with 0.
Definition: Matrix.hpp:47
Proved a "view" onto an array.
Definition: Matrix.ipp:7
constexpr bool is_complex_v
User-defined type-trait: Checks whether T is a std::complex type.
Definition: AdamsMoulton.hpp:109
Defines Matrix, Vector classes, and linear some algebra functions.
Definition: Matrix.hpp:26
bool equal(const Matrix< T > &lhs, const Matrix< T > &rhs, T eps=myEps< T >())
Compares two matrices; returns true iff all elements compare relatively to better than eps.
Definition: Matrix.ipp:381