c++ program for high-precision atomic structure calculations of single-valence systems
No Matches

brief Descpription of modules system: available modules and options

  • The modules system allows the easy calculation of any atomic properties after the wavefunction has been calculated.
  • Any number of modules can be run by adding ‘Module::moduleName{}’ blocks.
  • The code is designed so that you can easily create your own modules. See doc/ for details

Get a list of available modules: ./ampsci -m

Output will look something like this:

Available modules:
* Tests
Some basic wavefunction numerical tests
* testBasis
Tests of basis and spectrum
* WriteOrbitals
Write orbitals to disk for plotting
* matrixElements
Calculates matrix elements of any operator
* CI_matrixElements
Calculates matrix elements of any operator for CI wavefunctions
* thirdOrderME
Calculates Third-order matrix elements
* lifetimes
Calculate radiative lifetimes (E1, E2, M1)
* polarisability
Calculates static polarisabilities
* dynamicPolarisability
Calculates dynamic polarisabilities
* transitionPolarisability
Calculates transition polarisabilities
* structureRad
Calculates Struct. Rad + Normalisation corrections to MEs
* fieldShift
Calculates field-shift constants (isotope shift)
QED corrections to energies/matrix elements
* Breit
Breit corrections to energies
* ladder
Calculates ladder diagrams and energy corrections
* Kionisation
Calculate atomic ionisation form-factors
* continuum
Compute and use continuum wavefunctions
* HFAnomaly
Calculates Bohr-Weisskopf effect and hyperfine anomaly
* screeningFactors
Calculates Feynman electron screening factors
* pnc
Calculates APV amplitudes
* muonPV
For testing/playing with muonic PV
For testing/playing with VQE method
* exampleModule
A short description of the module
Functions and classes for Configuration Interaction calculations.
Definition CI_Integrals.cpp:11

You can also get most of this information directly from the command-line:

  • ./ampsci -m <ModuleName>
    • Prints list of available Modules (same as –modules)
    • ModuleName is optional. If given, will list available options for that Module
    • Note the output is in the same format as required by the input file - you can copy+paste this into your input file.
./ampsci -m MatrixElements
// Available Module::MatrixElements options/blocks
// e.g., E1, hfs (see ampsci -o for available operators)
// options specific to operator (see ampsci -o 'operator')
// Method used for RPA: true(=TDHF), false, TDHF, basis, diagram [true]
// Text or number. Freq. for RPA (and freq. dependent operators). Put 'each'
// to solve at correct frequency for each transition. [0.0]
// print <a|h|b> and <b|h|a> [false]
// If true (and spectrum available), will use spectrum for valence states
// [false]
// Calculate diagonal matrix elements (if non-zero) [true]
// Calculate off-diagonal matrix elements (if non-zero) [true]
// Options for Structure Radiation and normalisation (details below)
// Available StructureRadiation options/blocks
// If this block is included, SR + Normalisation corrections will be included
// true/false/filename - SR: filename for QkTable file. If blank will not use
// QkTable; if exists, will read it in; if doesn't exist, will create it and
// write to disk. If 'true' will use default filename. Save time (10x) at cost
// of memory. Note: Using QkTable implies splines used for diagram legs
// list; min,max n for core/excited: [1,inf]