c++ program for high-precision atomic structure calculations of single-valence systems
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Lookup table for C^k and 3j symbols (special m=1/2, q=0 case) More...

#include <CkTable.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 CkTable (const int in_max_twoj=0)
 Calculates and stored all Ck/3j symbols up to given maximum 2j.
void fill (const int in_max_twoj)
 Extends existing look-up table to new twoj.
double get_Ckab_mutable (int k, int ka, int kb)
 Ckab. mutable: will calculate if needed. Not thread safe.
double get_tildeCkab_mutable (int k, int ka, int kb)
 tildeCkab. mutable: will calculate if needed. Not thread safe
double get_3jkab_mutable (int k, int ka, int kb)
 special 3j(k, ka, kb). mutable: will calculate if needed. Not thread safe
double get_Ckab (int k, int ka, int kb) const
 Ckab. Undefined if k, ka, or kb are out-of-bounds [check with max_tj()].
double get_tildeCkab (int k, int ka, int kb) const
 tildeCkab. Undefined if k, ka, or kb are out-of-bounds
double get_3jkab (int k, int ka, int kb) const
 special 3j(k, ka, kb). Undefined if k, ka, or kb are out-of-bounds
double operator() (int k, int ka, int kb) const
 Operator overload: returns Ckab.
double get_Lambdakab (int k, int ka, int kb) const
 Lambda^k_ij := 3js((ji,jj,k),(-1/2,1/2,0))^2 * parity(li+lj+k)
int max_tj () const
 Maximum value for 2j currently stored in tables.
int max_k () const
 Maximum value for k currently stored in tables.

Detailed Description

Lookup table for C^k and 3j symbols (special m=1/2, q=0 case)

Member Function Documentation

◆ fill()

void Angular::CkTable::fill ( const int  in_max_twoj)

Extends existing look-up table to new twoj.

nb: called on construction automatically, you only need to call this if you need to extend the table after original construction (rare)

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