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LinAlg::Vector< T >

Vector class (inherits from Matrix) More...

#include <Vector.hpp>

Inherits LinAlg::Matrix< T >.

Public Member Functions

 Vector ()
 Default construct.
 Vector (std::size_t dimension)
 Initialise a blank square matrix dimension*dimension, filled with 0.
 Vector (std::initializer_list< T > l)
 Initialise a matrix from initialiser list. {{},{},{}}. Each row must be same length.
 Vector (std::vector< T > &&v)
 Initialise from std::vector using move()
 Vector (const std::vector< T > &v)
 Initialise from std::vector by copy.
 Vector (const Matrix< T > &&m)
 Initialise from Matrix by move.
 Vector (const Matrix< T > &m)
 Initialise from Matrix by copy.
operator[] (std::size_t i) const
 [] index access (with no range checking). [i][j] returns ith row, jth col
T & operator[] (std::size_t i)
 As above, but const.
T & at (std::size_t i)
 () index access (with range checking). (i,j) returns ith row, jth col
at (std::size_t i) const
 As above, but const.
T & operator() (std::size_t i)
 () index access (with range checking). (i,j) returns ith row, jth col
operator() (std::size_t i) const
 As above, but const.
Vector< T > conj () const
auto real () const
auto imag () const
auto complex () const
Vector< T > transpose () const =delete
Vector< T > & operator+= (const Vector< T > &rhs)
Vector< T > & operator-= (const Vector< T > rhs)
Vector< T > & operator*= (const T x)
Vector< T > & operator/= (const T x)
auto as_gsl_view ()
 Returns gsl_vector_view (or _float_view, _complex_view, _complex_float_view). Call .matrix to use as a GSL matrix (no copy is involved). Allows one to use all GSL built-in functions. Note: non - owning pointer - matrix must remain in scope.
auto as_gsl_view () const
 As above, but const.
- Public Member Functions inherited from LinAlg::Matrix< T >
 Matrix ()
 Default initialiser.
 Matrix (std::size_t rows, std::size_t cols)
 Initialise a blank matrix rows*cols, filled with 0.
 Matrix (std::size_t dimension)
 Initialise a blank square matrix dimension*dimension, filled with 0.
 Matrix (std::initializer_list< std::initializer_list< T > > ll)
 Initialise a matrix from initialiser list. {{},{},{}}. Each row must be same length.
 Matrix (std::size_t rows, std::size_t cols, std::initializer_list< T > l)
 Initialise a matrix from single initialiser list. {...}.
 Matrix (std::size_t rows, std::size_t cols, std::vector< T > &&v)
 Initialise a matrix from single initialiser list. {...}.
 Matrix (std::size_t rows, std::size_t cols, const std::vector< T > &v)
 Initialise a matrix from single initialiser list. {...}.
std::size_t rows () const
 Return rows [major index size].
std::size_t cols () const
 Return columns [minor index size].
std::size_t size () const
 Return rows*columns [total array size].
T * data ()
 Returns pointer to first element. Note: for std::complex<T>, this is a pointer to complex<T>, not T.
const T * data () const
 As above, but const.
const T * operator[] (std::size_t i) const
 [] index access (with no range checking). [i][j] returns ith row, jth col
T * operator[] (std::size_t i)
 As above, but const.
T & at (std::size_t row_i, std::size_t col_j)
 () index access (with range checking). (i,j) returns ith row, jth col
at (std::size_t row_i, std::size_t col_j) const
 As above, but const.
T & operator() (std::size_t i, std::size_t j)
 () index access (with range checking). (i,j) returns ith row, jth col
operator() (std::size_t i, std::size_t j) const
 As above, but const.
auto begin ()
 iterators for underlying std::vector (entire data)
auto cbegin () const
auto end ()
auto cend () const
const T * row (std::size_t row) const
 Returns raw c pointer to start of a row.
View< T > row_view (std::size_t row)
 Returns a mutable 'View' of a row.
View< const T > row_view (std::size_t row) const
 Returns an immutable 'View' of a row.
View< T > column_view (std::size_t col)
 Returns a mutable 'View' of a column.
View< const T > column_view (std::size_t col) const
 Returns an immutable 'View' of a column.
auto as_gsl_view ()
 Returns gsl_matrix_view (or _float_view, _complex_view, _complex_float_view). Call .matrix to use as a GSL matrix (no copy is involved). Allows one to use all GSL built-in functions. Note: non-owning pointer - matrix AND gsl_view must remain in scope.
auto as_gsl_view () const
 As above, but const.
determinant () const
 Returns the determinant. Uses GSL; via LU decomposition. Only works for double/complex<double>
Matrix< T > & invert_in_place ()
 Inverts the matrix, in place. Uses GSL; via LU decomposition. Only works for double/complex<double>.
Matrix< T > inverse () const
 Returns inverse of the matrix. Leaves original matrix intact. Uses GSL; via LU decomposition. Only works for double/complex<double>
Matrix< T > transpose () const
 Returns transpose of matrix.
Matrix< T > & make_identity ()
 Constructs a diagonal unit matrix (identity), in place; only for square.
Matrix< T > & zero ()
 Sets all elements to zero, in place.
Matrix< T > conj () const
 Returns conjugate of matrix.
auto real () const
 Returns real part of complex matrix (changes type; returns a real matrix)
auto imag () const
 Returns imag part of complex matrix (changes type; returns a real matrix)
auto complex () const
 Converts a real to complex matrix (changes type; returns a complex matrix)
Matrix< T > & conj_in_place ()
 Conjugates matrix, in place.
Matrix< T > & mult_elements_by (const Matrix< T > &a)
 Muplitplies all the elements by those of matrix a, in place: M_ij *= a_ij.
Matrix< T > & operator+= (const Matrix< T > &rhs)
 Overload standard operators: do what expected.
Matrix< T > & operator-= (const Matrix< T > &rhs)
Matrix< T > & operator*= (const T x)
Matrix< T > & operator/= (const T x)
Matrix< T > & operator+= (T aI)
 Matrix<T> += T : T assumed to be *Identity!
Matrix< T > & operator-= (T aI)
 Matrix<T> -= T : T assumed to be *Identity!


Vector< T > operator+ (Vector< T > lhs, const Matrix< T > &rhs)
Vector< T > operator- (Vector< T > lhs, const Matrix< T > &rhs)
Vector< T > operator* (const T x, Vector< T > rhs)
Vector< T > operator* (Vector< T > lhs, const T x)
Vector< T > operator/ (Vector< T > lhs, const T x)
Vector< T > operator* (const Matrix< T > &a, const Vector< T > &b)
 Matrix*Vector multiplication: v_i = sum_j A_ij*B_j.
operator* (const Vector< T > &a, const Vector< T > &b)
 Inner product: = sum_i a_i*b_i.
Matrix< T > outer_product (const Vector< T > &a, const Vector< T > &b)
 Outer product:M_ij = a_i*b_j.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from LinAlg::Matrix< T >
std::size_t m_rows
std::size_t m_cols
std::vector< T > m_data {}

Detailed Description

template<typename T = double>
class LinAlg::Vector< T >

Vector class (inherits from Matrix)

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