c++ program for high-precision atomic structure calculations of single-valence systems
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dynamic_format_arg_store< Context >

#include <args.h>

Public Member Functions

template<typename T >
void push_back (const T &arg)
template<typename T >
void push_back (std::reference_wrapper< T > arg)
template<typename T >
void push_back (const detail::named_arg< char_type, T > &arg)
void clear ()
void reserve (size_t new_cap, size_t new_cap_named)


class basic_format_args< Context >

Detailed Description

template<typename Context>
class dynamic_format_arg_store< Context >

\rst A dynamic version of fmt::format_arg_store. It's equipped with a storage to potentially temporary objects which lifetimes could be shorter than the format arguments object.

It can be implicitly converted into ~fmtbasic_format_args for passing into type-erased formatting functions such as ~fmtvformat. \endrst

Member Function Documentation

◆ clear()

template<typename Context >
void dynamic_format_arg_store< Context >::clear ( )

Erase all elements from the store

◆ push_back() [1/3]

template<typename Context >
template<typename T >
void dynamic_format_arg_store< Context >::push_back ( const detail::named_arg< char_type, T > &  arg)

Adds named argument into the dynamic store for later passing to a formatting function. std::reference_wrapper is supported to avoid copying of the argument. The name is always copied into the store.

◆ push_back() [2/3]

template<typename Context >
template<typename T >
void dynamic_format_arg_store< Context >::push_back ( const T &  arg)

\rst Adds an argument into the dynamic store for later passing to a formatting function.

Note that custom types and string types (but not string views) are copied into the store dynamically allocating memory if necessary.


fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store<fmt::format_context> store; store.push_back(42); store.push_back("abc"); store.push_back(1.5f); std::string result = fmt::vformat("{} and {} and {}", store); \endrst

◆ push_back() [3/3]

template<typename Context >
template<typename T >
void dynamic_format_arg_store< Context >::push_back ( std::reference_wrapper< T >  arg)
Adds a reference to the argument into the dynamic store for later passing to
a formatting function.


  fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store<fmt::format_context> store;
  char band[] = "Rolling Stones";
  band[9] = 'c'; // Changing str affects the output.
  std::string result = fmt::vformat("{}", store);

result == "Rolling Scones" \endrst

◆ reserve()

template<typename Context >
void dynamic_format_arg_store< Context >::reserve ( size_t  new_cap,
size_t  new_cap_named 

\rst Reserves space to store at least new_cap arguments including new_cap_named* named arguments. \endrst

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