c++ program for high-precision atomic structure calculations of single-valence systems
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Flambaum-Ginges Radiative potential. More...


namespace  Fit
 Fitting factors from Ginges Berengut, Phys. Rev. A 93, 052509 (2016).


enum class  IntType { Linear , Log }


double V_Uehling (double Z, double r, double rN=0.0)
 Uehling potential (r, rN in atomic units)
double H_Magnetic (double Z, double r, double rN=0.0)
 Magnetic form-factor (r, rN in atomic units)
double V_SEl (double Z, double r, double rN=0.0)
 Low-freq electric SE (NOT including Bl) (r, rN in atomic units)
double V_SEh (double Z, double r, double rN=0.0)
 High-freq electric SE (NOT including Al) (r, rN in atomic units)
double V_WK (double Z, double r, double)
 Effective Wickman-Kroll; not including FNS corrections.
double t_integral (double(*f)(double, void *), std::vector< double > params, double eps=1.0e-6)
 Function that performs the t integral over [1,infinity)
double Q_MLVP (double r, double rN=0.0)
 Magnetic-loop vacuum polarisation, includes finite-nuclear size.
template<IntType IT = IntType::Linear>
double r_integral (std::function< double(double)> f, double a, double b, long unsigned n_pts=1000)
 Function that performs the r integral over [a,b] using mixed-quadrature.


constexpr double alpha = 1.0 / 137.035999084
constexpr double lam_c = alpha

Detailed Description

Flambaum-Ginges Radiative potential.

First introduced in: V. V. Flambaum and J. S. M. Ginges, Phys. Rev. A 72, 052115 (2005).

With finite-nuclear-size corrections, and updated fitting factors, from; J. S. M. Ginges and J. C. Berengut, Phys. Rev. A 93, 052509 (2016). J. S. M. Ginges and J. C. Berengut, J. Phys. B 49, 095001 (2016).

Note: High- and low- frequency V(r) do NOT include A or B fitting coeficients. All radii (r and rN) are given in atomic units Sign convention: H -> H - V_rad V_rad = V_Uehling + V_SEh + V_SEl + V_WK + i(g.n())H_Magnetic