c++ program for high-precision atomic structure calculations of single-valence systems
PhysConst Namespace Reference

Set of commonly-used Physics constants. More...


constexpr double alpha = 1.0 / 137.035999084
 fine-structure constant
constexpr double alpha2 = alpha * alpha
constexpr double c = 1.0 / alpha
 speed of light in a.u. (=1/alpha)
constexpr double c2 = c * c
constexpr double c_SI = 299792458.0
 speed of light, in m/s [CODATA 2018, exact]
constexpr double hbar_SI = (6.62607015e-34) / (2.0 * M_PI)
 hbar (reduced Planck constant), in SI (J.s)
constexpr double e_C = 1.602176634e-19
 Fundamental charge, Coulombs. 1.602176634 x 10-19 [exact].
constexpr double hbarc_MeVfm = (hbar_SI * c_SI / e_C) * 1.0e9
 CODATA 2018: hbar*c = 197.326 980 4... MeV fm.
constexpr double m_p = 1836.15267343
 Proton mass, in atomic units (mp/me). CODATA 2018: 1836.152 673 43(11)
constexpr double m_e_kg = 9.1093837015e-31
 electron mass, in SI (kg). CODATA 2018: m_e = 9.109 383 7015(28) e-31
constexpr double m_e_MeV = 0.51099895000
 Electron mass (MeV/c^2); 2020 value 0.51099895000(15):
constexpr double m_e_GeV = m_e_MeV / 1000.0
constexpr double u_NMU = 1822.888486192
 unified atomic mass unit; (nuclear mass unit, Dalton). CODATA 2014: 1822.888 486 192(53)
constexpr double aB_m = 0.529177210903e-10
 Bohr radius, in m. CODATA 2018: a_B = 0.529177210903(80)e-10 m.
constexpr double aB_cm = aB_m * (1.0e+2)
constexpr double aB_fm = aB_m * (1.0e+15)
constexpr double aB_nm = aB_m * (1.0e+9)
constexpr double hbar_on_EH = 2.4188843265857e-17
 hbar/E_H. wiki: 2.4188843265857(47)*10-17 s [wiki 2019]
constexpr double time_s = hbar_on_EH
 Atomic unit of time (in seconds) - hbar/E_H.
constexpr double Hartree_eV = 27.211386245988
 Hartree (atomic energy unit = 2Ry) in eV. CODATA 2018: E_H = 27.211 386 245 988(53) eV.
constexpr double Hartree_Hz = 6.579683920502e+15
constexpr double Hartree_MHz = Hartree_Hz * (1.0e-6)
constexpr double Hartree_GHz = Hartree_Hz * (1.0e-9)
constexpr double Hartree_invcm = 1.0 / (2.0 * M_PI * c * aB_cm)
constexpr double HartreeWL_nm = 2.0 * M_PI * c * aB_m * (1.0e+9)
constexpr double GFe11 = 2.222516e-3
 Fermi weak constant (au). Times 10^{11}. More...
constexpr double GF = GFe11 * (1.0e-11)
constexpr double g_e = -2.00231930436256
 electron g-factor. CODATA 2018: -2.002 319 304 362 56(35)
constexpr double muB_SI = 0.5
 Bohr magneton (in SI-derived atomic units):
constexpr double muB_CGS = 0.5 * alpha
 Bohr magneton (in Gaussian CGS-derived atomic units):
constexpr double muN_SI = muB_SI / m_p
 Nulcear magneton (in SI-derived atomic units):
constexpr double muN_CGS = muB_CGS / m_p
 Nulcear magneton (in Gaussian CGS-derived atomic units):
constexpr double muN_CGS_MHz = Hartree_MHz * muB_CGS / m_p
 Nulcear magneton in MHz (via Gaussian CGS-derived atomic units):
constexpr double barn_m2 = 1.0e-28
 barn = 1.0e-28m^2, for Quadrupole moment
constexpr double barn_au = barn_m2 / (aB_m * aB_m)
constexpr double barn_MHz = barn_au * Hartree_MHz

Detailed Description

Set of commonly-used Physics constants.

Constains physical constants, and units conversions. Taken mostly from 2018 CODATA values.

Variable Documentation

◆ GFe11

constexpr double PhysConst::GFe11 = 2.222516e-3

Fermi weak constant (au). Times 10^{11}.

Particle Data Group 2020: Gf = 1.1663787(6) e-5 (hbar*c)^3 GeV^-2 = 1.1663787(6) e-5 alpha (GeV/c^2)^-2 au me = 0.51099895000 e-3 GeV/c^2 = 1 au Gf = 2.222516(11) e-3 au