c++ program for high-precision atomic structure calculations of single-valence systems
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version Namespace Reference

Information about the ampsci code (version, compiler etc.). More...


std::string version ()
 String with version info, including git branch/revision, and if any files have been modified since the last commit.
std::string compiled ()
 String with compilation info, including which compiler was used and the time of compilation.
std::string libraries ()
 String continaing details (version numbers) of libraries (e.g., GSL)

Detailed Description

Information about the ampsci code (version, compiler etc.).

Defines the macros: AMPSCI_VERSION, AMPSCI_MAJOR_VERSION, AMPSCI_MINOR_VERSION (defined in version.hpp). Also, defines macros: GITBRANCH, GITREVISION, GITMODIFIED, CXXVERSION, COMPTIME These should be set using compil flags (-D) on compilation.