c++ program for high-precision atomic structure calculations of single-valence systems
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Advanced Tutorial: CI+MBPT

brief Advanced ampsci tutorial: CI+MBPT for two-valence atoms

This assumes you already have ampsci compiled and have a basic understanding of how to run and use it.


CI+MBPT overview: Configuration Interaction with Many-Body Perturbation Theory

For an \(M\)-valence atomic system, the effective Hamiltonian is

\[ H_{\rm CI} = H_{\rm CI}^1 + H_{\rm CI}^2 = \sum_i^M \left(h^{\rm HF}(r_i) + \Sigma^1(r_i)\right) +\sum_{i < j}\left(r^{-1}_{ij} +\Sigma^2(r_i,r_j)\right), \]

where \(h^{\rm HF}\) is one-particle the Hartree-Fock Hamiltonian (with HF potential due to the \(N-M\) core electrons), \(\Sigma^1\) accounts for the core-valence correlations, and \(\Sigma^2\) accounts for the screening of the valence-valence Coulomb interaction by the core electrons.

The CI routines in ampsci are only for two-valence systems: \(M=2\).

In the CI method, approximate valence-space wavefunctions, \(\Psi\), are expanded over \(M\)-particle wavefunctions called Configuration-State Functions (CSFs), \(\psi_I\):

\[ \left|{\Psi,J^\pi J_z}\right\rangle = \sum_I c_I \left|{I,J^\pi J_z}\right\rangle. \]

The CSFs are combinations of Slater-determinants formed from single-particle eigenfunctions. The CSFs are eigenfunctions of \(J^2\), \(J_z\), and parity ( \(\pi\)). For each \(J^\pi\) symmetry, the energies and wavefunctions (expansion coefficients) are found by solving the Schr"odinger equation, which for a finite set of \(N_{CSF}\) CSFs, is cast to an \(N_{CSF}^2\) eigenvalue problem:

\[ \sum_J c_J\left\langle{I}\right|H_{\rm eff}\left|{J}\right\rangle = E c_I, \]

For the single-particle basis, we use eigenfunctions of the same \(h^{\rm HF}\) Hamiltonian from the CI Hamiltonian. This is known as the \(V^{N-M}\) approximation, with simplifies the MBPT part of the calculation, and is very accurate for two-valence systems.

Basic CI example

As always, we check the available input options: ./ampsci -a CI

./ampsci -a CI

// Available CI options/blocks
// Basis used for CI expansion; must be a sub-set of full ampsci basis
// [default: 10spdf]
// List of total angular momentum J for CI solutions (comma separated). Must
// be integers (two-electron only). []
// As above, but for EVEN CSFs only (takes precedence over J).
// As above, but for ODD CSFs (takes precedence over J).
// Number of CI solutions to find (for each J/pi) [5]
// Include one-body MBPT correlations? [false]
// Include two-body MBPT correlations? [false]
// The subset of ci_basis for which the two-body MBPT corrections are
// calculated. Must be a subset of ci_basis. If existing sk file has more
// integrals, they will be used. [default: Nspdf, where N is maximum n for
// core + 3]
// Basis used for the one-body MBPT diagrams (Sigma^1). These are the most
// important, so in general the default (all basis states) should be used.
// Must be a subset of full ampsci basis. [default: full basis]
// - Note: if CorrelationPotential is available, it will be used instead of
// calculating the Sigma_1 integrals
// Basis used for internal lines of the two-body MBPT diagrams (Sigma^2). Must
// be a subset of s1_basis. [default: s1_basis]
// Minimum n for core to be included in MBPT [1]
// Maximum k (multipolarity) to include when calculating new Coulomb
// integrals. Higher k often contribute negligibly. Note: if qk file already
// has higher-k terms, they will be included. Set negative (or very large) to
// include all k. [8]
// Filename for storing two-body Coulomb integrals. By default, is At.qk,
// where At is atomic symbol.
// Filename for storing two-body Sigma_2 integrals. By default, is
//, where At is atomic symbol, n is n_min_core, b is cis2_basis, k
// is max_k.
// Excludes the Sigma_2 box corrections that have 'wrong' parity when
// calculating Sigma2 matrix elements. Note: If existing sk file already has
// these, they will be included [false]
// Sort output by energy? Default is to sort by J and Pi first. [false]
// Run CI in parallel (solve each J/Pi in parallel). Faster, uses slightly
// more memory [true]
Functions and classes for Configuration Interaction calculations.
Definition CI_Integrals.cpp:11

For a simple example, we'll consider neutral Mg.

The first part of the input file will be familiar from previous examples. We don't need valence states in Hartree-Fock, so, this can be left blank. We don't include the two valence states in the core, hence use \(V^{N-2}\) approximation.

Atom {
Z = Mg;
HartreeFock {
core = [Ne];
Basis {
number = 30;
order = 7;
r0 = 1.0e-4;
rmax = 50.0;
states = 30spdfghi;

To begin the CI calculation

ci_basis = 20spdf;
J+ = 0,1,2;
J- = 0,1,2;
num_solutions = 3;

The ci_basis options means we will use two-particle CSFs formed from combinations of single-particle basis states up to \(n=20\) for \(s\), \(p\), \(d\), and \(f\) states. We will find the lowest 3 solutions for each \(J^\pi\) symmetry up to \(J=2\).

The first part of the output:

Using 20spdf = 124 orbitals in CI expansion
Calculate two-body Coulomb integrals: Q^k_abcd
For: 20spdf
fill: T = 4.09 s
k=0: 674541 [712697]
k=1: 3221991 [3439651]
k=2: 5519503 [5967347]
k=3: 3943836 [4026031]
k=4: 2017036 [2144977]
k=5: 421821 [444487]
k=6: 97903 [99733]
Total: 15896631 non-zero integrals
Calculated 15896631 new Coulomb integrals
Writing 15896631 integrals to file: Mg2.qk..

The code pre-computes all the two-body Coulomb integrals \(Q^k_{ijkl}\). This uses a significant memory footprint, but makes the subsequent calculations much faster. It only calculates the required integrals. Even though our total basis was up to 30spdfghi, we only used 20spdf in the CI expansion (the remaining basis states will be used for MBPT in the next example).

Then, the code runs CI routine for each symmetry. The output for each symmetry will look something like this:

Run CI for J=2, even parity
Total CSFs: 3322
Find first 3 solutions
Eigenvalues: T = 6.35 s
2 + 0 -0.61245597 au -134418.55 cm^-1 0.00 cm^-1
3s+3d- 24.315%
3s+4d- 6.641%
3s+3d+ 36.577%
3s+4d+ 9.997%
3p-3p+ 13.492%
3p+^2 6.672%
gJ = 0.999992
3s3d 1^D_2
2 + 1 -0.60402693 au -132568.59 cm^-1 1849.96 cm^-1
3s+3d- 36.479%
3s+4d- 22.333%
3s+3d+ 24.246%
3s+4d+ 14.846%
gJ = 1.16666
3s3d 3^D_2
2 + 2 -0.58093715 au -127500.97 cm^-1 6917.58 cm^-1
3s+4d- 17.604%
3s+5d- 16.042%
3s+3d+ 1.168%
3s+4d+ 26.463%
3s+5d+ 24.122%
3p-3p+ 8.217%
3p+^2 3.988%
gJ = 0.999999
3s4d 1^D_2

After each line, the code will list all CSFs that contribute to the solution at above the 1% level (i.e., with \(c_I^2>0.01\)). The code also calculates the \(g\)-factor (without RPAd), which are useful for level identification. The term symbol ( \({}^{2S+1}L_J\) e.g., 1^D_2) and leading configuration are given – the term symbol is 'guessed' based on the g-factor. It is not well defined relativistically, so should be seen as indicative only.

The final output shows a summary of the calculation:

J pi # conf. % Term Energy(au) Energy(/cm) Level(/cm) gJ
0 +1 0 3s^2 89 1S -0.81804187 -179539.44 0.00
0 +1 1 3s4s 66 1S -0.62364477 -136874.21 42665.23
0 +1 2 3s6s 61 1S -0.58273524 -127895.60 51643.83
1 +1 0 3s4s 83 3S -0.63395079 -139136.12 40403.32 2.0000
1 +1 1 3s3d 61 3D -0.60402720 -132568.65 46970.79 0.5000
1 +1 2 3s5s 47 3S -0.58579051 -128566.16 50973.28 2.0000
2 +1 0 3s3d 61 1D -0.61245597 -134418.55 45120.89 1.0000
2 +1 1 3s3d 61 3D -0.60402693 -132568.59 46970.85 1.1667
2 +1 2 3s4d 44 1D -0.58093715 -127500.97 52038.47 1.0000
0 -1 0 3s3p 94 3Po -0.72277949 -158631.76 20907.67
0 -1 1 3s4p 65 3Po -0.60427214 -132622.40 46917.03
0 -1 2 3s6p 64 3Po -0.57513793 -126228.19 53311.25
1 -1 0 3s3p 94 3Po -0.72268645 -158611.34 20928.09 1.5000
1 -1 1 3s3p 71 1Po -0.66089031 -145048.66 34490.78 1.0000
1 -1 2 3s4p 65 3Po -0.60425669 -132619.01 46920.42 1.5000
2 -1 0 3s3p 94 3Po -0.72249992 -158570.40 20969.03 1.5000
2 -1 1 3s4p 65 3Po -0.60422554 -132612.18 46927.26 1.5000
2 -1 2 3s6p 64 3Po -0.57511959 -126224.16 53315.28 1.5000

Where conf is the leading configuration (in non-relativistic notation), and the % column shows the combined constructions from each relativistic configuration with the same non-relativistic configuration (e.g., 3s3d may have contributions from 3s3d- and 3s3d+).

Level AMPSCI Exp. \(\Delta\)
\(3s^2\) \({}^1S_0\) -179539 -182939 -1.9%
\(3s4s\) \({}^1S_0\) 42665 43503 -1.9%
\(3s6s\) \({}^1S_0\) 51644 52556 -1.7%
\(3s4s\) \({}^3S_1\) 40403 41197 -1.9%
\(3s3d\) \({}^3D_1\) 46971 47957 -2.1%
\(3s5s\) \({}^3S_1\) 50973 51873 -1.7%
\(3s3d\) \({}^1D_2\) 45121 46403 -2.8%
\(3s3d\) \({}^3D_2\) 46971 47957 -2.1%
\(3s4d\) \({}^1D_2\) 52038 53135 -2.1%
\(3s3p\) \({}^3P^o_0\) 20908 21850 -4.3%
\(3s4p\) \({}^3P^o_0\) 46917 47841 -1.9%
\(3s6p\) \({}^3P^o_0\) 53311 54249 -1.7%
\(3s3p\) \({}^3P^o_1\) 20928 21870 -4.3%
\(3s3p\) \({}^1P^o_1\) 34491 35051 -1.6%
\(3s4p\) \({}^3P^o_1\) 46920 47844 -1.9%
\(3s3p\) \({}^3P^o_2\) 20969 21911 -4.3%
\(3s4p\) \({}^3P^o_2\) 46927 47851 -1.9%
\(3s6p\) \({}^3P^o_2\) 53315 54253 -1.7%

The table shows the results of the calculation, and comparison to experimental excitation energies, in units of \({\rm cm}^{-1}\) (for the ground state, the ionisation potential is instead shown). The agreement is at the ~few % level.

CI+MBPT example

Here, we will improve the accuracy of the calculation by including the MBPT corrections. We do this by setting sigma1 and sigma2 options to true.

ci_basis = 20spdf;
J+ = 0,1,2;
J- = 0,1,2;
num_solutions = 3;
sigma1 = true;
sigma2 = true;

This will use the full basis (from Basis{}) for the MBPT part. In this case, it was 30spdfghi. (Different subsets of the full basis can be used for the internal lines of the \(\Sigma^1\) and \(\Sigma^2\) diagrams using the s1_basis and s2_basis options, respectively).

The code will now calculate more \(Q^k\) Coulomb integrals, since they are required in the MBPT calculations. It will read in the existing file (if there is one), so it doesn't need to start from scratch, and only calculate the missing integrals:

Calculate two-body Coulomb integrals: Q^k_abcd
Read 15896631 integrals from file: Mg2.qk
For: 20spdf
fill: T = 947.11 ms
and: 30spdfghi
fill: T = 1.07 mins
k=0: 1235215 [1447153]
k=1: 6337133 [6984629]
k=2: 10584749 [12117689]
k=3: 9629901 [12117689]
k=4: 7888486 [12117689]
k=5: 5720196 [11200489]
k=6: 3267217 [6456007]
k=7: 997236 [1056323]
k=8: 0 [2]
Total: 45660133 non-zero integrals
Calculated 29763502 new Coulomb integrals
Writing 45660133 integrals to file: Mg2.qk..

This uses close to 5Gb of memory, so may already be difficulty on some laptops. Then, is will calculate the matrix elements of the two-body \(\Sigma^2\) operator. This is the slow part of the calculation. Fortunately, the \(\Sigma^2\) correction is rather small, and good accuracy can be obtained by only including matrix elements between the lowest few valence-space basis states. By default, it will include up to \(n=n_{\rm core}+3\), where \(n_{\rm core}\) is the largest \(n\) in the core, for each \(l\) in the ci_basis. This can be controlled manually with the cis2_basis option.

Calculate two-body MBPT integrals: Sigma^k_abcd
For: 5spdf, using 30spdfghi
Count non-zero: 0.89 ms
Reserve: 0.17 ms
Fill w/ zeros: 4.61 ms
Fill w/ values: 8.49 s
k=0: 5151 [5503]
k=1: 32131 [33223]
k=2: 45451 [45481]
k=3: 32131 [33223]
k=4: 12403 [12983]
k=5: 2701 [2753]
k=6: 300 [313]
k=7: 10 [11]
Total: 130278 non-zero integrals
fill: T = 8.50 s
Calculated 130278 new MBPT integrals
Writing 130278 integrals to file:

The For: 5spdf, using 30spdfghi means the external lines in \(\Sigma_{ijkl}\) include up to 5spdf, while the internal lines use the full 30spdfghi basis.

This leads to a significant improvement in the accuracy:

Level AMPSCI Exp. \(\Delta\)
\(3s^2\) \({}^1S_0\) -182804 -182939 -0.07%
\(3s4s\) \({}^1S_0\) 43490 43503 -0.03%
\(3s6s\) \({}^1S_0\) 52526 52556 -0.06%
\(3s4s\) \({}^3S_1\) 41208 41197 0.03%
\(3s3d\) \({}^3D_1\) 47957 47957 0.00%
\(3s5s\) \({}^3S_1\) 51875 51873 0.00%
\(3s3d\) \({}^1D_2\) 46385 46403 -0.04%
\(3s3d\) \({}^3D_2\) 47960 47957 0.01%
\(3s4d\) \({}^1D_2\) 53113 53135 -0.04%
\(3s3p\) \({}^3P^o_0\) 21822 21850 -0.13%
\(3s4p\) \({}^3P^o_0\) 47837 47841 -0.01%
\(3s6p\) \({}^3P^o_0\) 54271 54249 0.04%
\(3s3p\) \({}^3P^o_1\) 21844 21870 -0.12%
\(3s3p\) \({}^1P^o_1\) 35090 35051 0.11%
\(3s4p\) \({}^3P^o_1\) 47840 47844 -0.01%
\(3s3p\) \({}^3P^o_2\) 21876 21911 -0.16%
\(3s4p\) \({}^3P^o_2\) 47845 47851 -0.01%
\(3s6p\) \({}^3P^o_2\) 54272 54253 0.03%

The discrepancies are now at the level of 0.1% or below.

On my pc, this entire calculation took less than two minutes.

Matrix elements

This takes very similar options to the regular MatrixElements{} module:

// Available Module::CI_matrixElements options/blocks
// e.g., E1, hfs (see ampsci -o for available operators)
// options specific to operator
// Method used for RPA: true(=TDHF), false, TDHF, basis, diagram
// Text or number. Freq. for RPA (and freq. dependent operators). Put 'each'
// to solve at correct frequency for each transition. [0.0]
// List of angular momentum Js to calculate matrix elements for. If blank, all
// available Js will be calculated. Must be integers (two-electron only).
// As above, but for EVEN CSFs only (takes precedence over J).
// As above, but for ODD CSFs (takes precedence over J).
// Maximum solution number to calculate MEs for. If blank, will calculate all.
void CI_matrixElements(const IO::InputBlock &input, const Wavefunction &wf)
Calculates matrix elements for CI wavefunctions.
Definition matrixElements.cpp:946

It's typically not recommended to use omega=each, as this solves the RPA equations for each transition, and the frequency-dependence is usually small.

operator = E1;
rpa = true;
omega = 0.15970531;

The output is something like:

CI Matrix Elements - Operator: E1
Units: |e|aB
Including RPA: TDHF method
Solving RPA at fixed frequency: w=0.159705
TDHF E1 (w=0.1597): 13 7.5e-09 [1s+,p-]
Ja # conf - Jb # conf w_ab t_ab
0+ 0 3s^2 1S - 1- 0 3s3p 3Po 0.09949 -1.23847e-03
0+ 0 3s^2 1S - 1- 1 3s3p 1Po 0.15989 -4.02693e+00
0+ 1 3s4s 1S - 1- 0 3s3p 3Po 0.09865 -1.68797e-03
0+ 1 3s4s 1S - 1- 1 3s3p 1Po 0.03825 -4.24587e+00
1- 0 3s3p 3Po - 0+ 0 3s^2 1S 0.09949 1.23847e-03
1- 0 3s3p 3Po - 0+ 1 3s4s 1S 0.09865 1.68797e-03
1- 1 3s3p 1Po - 0+ 0 3s^2 1S 0.15989 4.02693e+00
1- 1 3s3p 1Po - 0+ 1 3s4s 1S 0.03825 4.24587e+00

(this is for a reduced set of levels).

This implies the lifetime of the first \({}^1P^o_1\) level is 2.12 ns, in excellent agreement with experiment.