c++ program for high-precision atomic structure calculations of single-valence systems
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MBPT Namespace Reference

Many-body perturbation theory. More...


class  Feynman
 Class to construct Feynman diagrams, Green's functions and polarisation op. More...
class  Goldstone
 Class to construct Feynman diagrams, Green's functions and polarisation op. More...
class  RDMatrix
class  StructureRad
 Calculates Structure Radiation + Normalisation of states, using diagram method. More...


using GMatrix = RDMatrix< double >
using ComplexGMatrix = RDMatrix< std::complex< double > >
using ComplexDouble = std::complex< double >


enum class  SigmaMethod { Goldstone , Feynman }
enum class  HoleParticle { exclude , include , include_k0 }
 Options for including hole-particle interaction. include mean all k; include_k0 means k=0 term only.
enum class  Screening { exclude , include , only }
 Options for including Screening.
enum class  GreenStates { both , core , excited }
 Which states to include in Green's function:
enum class  Denominators { RS , BW }
 Type of energy demoninators: Rayleigh-Schrodinger (RS), Brillouin-Wigner (BW). (not exact)


double Lkmnij (int k, const DiracSpinor &m, const DiracSpinor &n, const DiracSpinor &i, const DiracSpinor &j, const Coulomb::QkTable &qk, const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &core, const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &excited, bool include_L4, const Angular::SixJTable &SJ, const Coulomb::LkTable *const Lk=nullptr, const std::vector< double > &fk={})
 Calculates ladder integral, L^k_mnab.
double L1 (int k, const DiracSpinor &m, const DiracSpinor &n, const DiracSpinor &i, const DiracSpinor &j, const Coulomb::QkTable &qk, const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &excited, const Angular::SixJTable &SJ, const Coulomb::LkTable *const Lk=nullptr, const std::vector< double > &fk={})
 Ladder integral, L^k_mnij := L1_mnij + L2_mnij + L2_nmji.
double L4 (int k, const DiracSpinor &m, const DiracSpinor &n, const DiracSpinor &i, const DiracSpinor &j, const Coulomb::QkTable &qk, const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &core, const Angular::SixJTable &SJ, const Coulomb::LkTable *const Lk, const std::vector< double > &fk)
double L2 (int k, const DiracSpinor &m, const DiracSpinor &n, const DiracSpinor &i, const DiracSpinor &j, const Coulomb::QkTable &qk, const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &core, const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &excited, const Angular::SixJTable &SJ, const Coulomb::LkTable *const Lk=nullptr, const std::vector< double > &fk={})
 Ladder integral, L^k_mnab := L1_mnij + L2_mnij + L3_nmji, L3_mnij = L2_nmji.
void fill_Lk_mnib (Coulomb::LkTable *lk, const Coulomb::QkTable &qk, const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &excited, const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &core, const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &i_orbs, bool include_L4, const Angular::SixJTable &sjt, const Coulomb::LkTable *const lk_prev=nullptr, bool print_progbar=true, const std::vector< double > &fk={})
 Fills Lk matrix.
double L3 (int k, const DiracSpinor &m, const DiracSpinor &n, const DiracSpinor &i, const DiracSpinor &j, const Coulomb::QkTable &qk, const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &core, const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &excited, const Angular::SixJTable &SJ, const Coulomb::LkTable *const Lk=nullptr, const std::vector< double > &fk={})
template<typename Qintegrals , typename QorLintegrals >
double de_valence (const DiracSpinor &v, const Qintegrals &qk, const QorLintegrals &lk, const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &core, const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &excited, const std::vector< double > &fk={}, const std::vector< double > &etak={})
 Calculate energy shift (either ladder, or sigma2) for valence.
template<typename Qintegrals , typename QorLintegrals >
double de_core (const Qintegrals &qk, const QorLintegrals &lk, const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &core, const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &excited)
 Calculate energy shift (either ladder, or sigma2) for CORE.
template<typename T >
bool equal (const RDMatrix< T > &lhs, const RDMatrix< T > &rhs)
 Checks if two matrix's are equal (to within parts in 10^12)
template<typename T >
double max_element (const RDMatrix< T > &a)
 returns maximum element (by abs)
template<typename T >
double max_delta (const RDMatrix< T > &a, const RDMatrix< T > &b)
 returns maximum difference (abs) between two matrixs
template<typename T >
double max_epsilon (const RDMatrix< T > &a, const RDMatrix< T > &b)
 returns maximum relative diference [aij-bij/(aij+bij)] (abs) between two matrices
std::pair< std::vector< DiracSpinor >, std::vector< DiracSpinor > > split_basis (const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &basis, double E_Fermi, int min_n_core=1, int max_n_excited=999)
 Splits the basis into the core (holes) and excited states.
double e_bar (int kappa_v, const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &excited)
 Returns energy of first state in excited that matches given kappa.
bool Sk_vwxy_SR (int k, const DiracSpinor &v, const DiracSpinor &w, const DiracSpinor &x, const DiracSpinor &y)
 Selection rule for Sk_vwxy (differs from Qk_vwxy due to parity)
int number_below_Fermi (const DiracSpinor &i, const DiracSpinor &j, const DiracSpinor &k, const DiracSpinor &l, double eFermi)
 Returns number of orbitals that are below Fermi level. Used for Qk selection.
std::pair< int, int > k_minmax_S (const DiracSpinor &v, const DiracSpinor &w, const DiracSpinor &x, const DiracSpinor &y)
 Minimum/maximum k allowed by selectrion rules for Sk_vwxy. Cannot +=2.
std::pair< int, int > k_minmax_S (int twojv, int twojw, int twojx, int twojy)
double Sk_vwxy (int k, const DiracSpinor &v, const DiracSpinor &w, const DiracSpinor &x, const DiracSpinor &y, const Coulomb::QkTable &qk, const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &core, const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &excited, const Angular::SixJTable &SixJ, Denominators denominators=Denominators::BW)
 Reduced two-body Sigma (2nd order correlation) operator. Sum of 6 diagrams.
template<class CoulombIntegral >
double Sigma_vw (const DiracSpinor &v, const DiracSpinor &w, const CoulombIntegral &qk, const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &core, const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &excited, int max_l_internal=99, std::optional< double > ev=std::nullopt)
 Matrix element of 1-body Sigma (2nd-order correlation) operator; de_v = <v|Sigma|v>.


const auto vroot = [](auto x) { return std::sqrt(x); }

Detailed Description

Many-body perturbation theory.

Function Documentation

◆ de_core()

template<typename Qintegrals , typename QorLintegrals >
double MBPT::de_core ( const Qintegrals &  qk,
const QorLintegrals &  lk,
const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &  core,
const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &  excited 

Calculate energy shift (either ladder, or sigma2) for CORE.

lk may be regular Coulomb integrals [in which case this returns MBPT(2) correction], or Ladder diagrams [in which case this returns the ladder diagram correction]

◆ de_valence()

template<typename Qintegrals , typename QorLintegrals >
double MBPT::de_valence ( const DiracSpinor v,
const Qintegrals &  qk,
const QorLintegrals &  lk,
const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &  core,
const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &  excited,
const std::vector< double > &  fk = {},
const std::vector< double > &  etak = {} 

Calculate energy shift (either ladder, or sigma2) for valence.

lk may be regular Coulomb integrals [in which case this returns MBPT(2) correction], or Ladder diagrams [in which case this returns the ladder diagram correction]

◆ L1()

double MBPT::L1 ( int  k,
const DiracSpinor m,
const DiracSpinor n,
const DiracSpinor i,
const DiracSpinor j,
const Coulomb::QkTable qk,
const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &  excited,
const Angular::SixJTable SJ,
const Coulomb::LkTable *const  Lk = nullptr,
const std::vector< double > &  fk = {} 

Ladder integral, L^k_mnij := L1_mnij + L2_mnij + L2_nmji.

L1^k_mnij = sum_{rs,ul} A^{kul}_mnrsij * Q^u_mnrs * (Q+L)^l_rsij / (e_ij - e_rs)

A^{kul}_mnrsij = (-1)^{m+n+r+s+i+j+1} * [k] * {m,i,k;l,u,r} * {n,j,k;l,u,s}

◆ L2()

double MBPT::L2 ( int  k,
const DiracSpinor m,
const DiracSpinor n,
const DiracSpinor i,
const DiracSpinor j,
const Coulomb::QkTable qk,
const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &  core,
const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &  excited,
const Angular::SixJTable SJ,
const Coulomb::LkTable *const  Lk = nullptr,
const std::vector< double > &  fk = {} 

Ladder integral, L^k_mnab := L1_mnij + L2_mnij + L3_nmji, L3_mnij = L2_nmji.

L2^k_mnij = sum_{rc,ul} (-1)^{k+u+l+1} A^{klu}_mjcrin Q^u_cnir * (Q+L)^l_mrcj / (e_cj - e_mr)

◆ Lkmnij()

double MBPT::Lkmnij ( int  k,
const DiracSpinor m,
const DiracSpinor n,
const DiracSpinor i,
const DiracSpinor j,
const Coulomb::QkTable qk,
const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &  core,
const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &  excited,
bool  include_L4,
const Angular::SixJTable SJ,
const Coulomb::LkTable *const  Lk = nullptr,
const std::vector< double > &  fk = {} 

Calculates ladder integral, L^k_mnab.

Lk pointer is pointer to previous iteration of Lk. fk is optional vector of screening factors

◆ Sigma_vw()

template<class CoulombIntegral >
double MBPT::Sigma_vw ( const DiracSpinor v,
const DiracSpinor w,
const CoulombIntegral &  qk,
const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &  core,
const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &  excited,
int  max_l_internal = 99,
std::optional< double >  ev = std::nullopt 

Matrix element of 1-body Sigma (2nd-order correlation) operator; de_v = <v|Sigma|v>.

Matrix element of 1-body Sigma (2nd-order correlation) operator; de_v = <v|Sigma|v>. qk (CoulombIntegral) may be YkTable or QkTable.

  • ev is optional energy at which Sigma is calculated.
  • If ev is not given, uses 0.5*(ev+ew)
  • max_l_internal is largest angular momentum l to include in summation in internal lines; only used for tests.
  • qk (CoulombIntegral) may be YkTable or QkTable.

◆ Sk_vwxy()

double MBPT::Sk_vwxy ( int  k,
const DiracSpinor v,
const DiracSpinor w,
const DiracSpinor x,
const DiracSpinor y,
const Coulomb::QkTable qk,
const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &  core,
const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &  excited,
const Angular::SixJTable SixJ,
Denominators  denominators = Denominators::BW 

Reduced two-body Sigma (2nd order correlation) operator. Sum of 6 diagrams.

Note: these have fewer symmetries to Q^k; S_vwxy = S_xyvw

◆ split_basis()

std::pair< std::vector< DiracSpinor >, std::vector< DiracSpinor > > MBPT::split_basis ( const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &  basis,
double  E_Fermi,
int  min_n_core = 1,
int  max_n_excited = 999 

Splits the basis into the core (holes) and excited states.

States with energy below E_Fermi are considered core/holes; only core states with n>=min_n_core, and excited states with n<=max_n_excited are kept.