c++ program for high-precision atomic structure calculations of single-valence systems
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AdamsMoulton::AM_Coefs< K, typename, typename >

Holds the K+1 Adams-Moulton ak coefficients for the K-step AM method. Final one, aK, is stored separately. More...

#include <AdamsMoulton.hpp>

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr std::array< double, K > ak {make_ak()}
 First K coefficients: ak for k={0,1,...,K-1}.
static constexpr double aK {make_aK()}
 Final aK coefficients: ak for k=K.

Detailed Description

template<std::size_t K, typename = std::enable_if_t<(K > 0)>, typename = std::enable_if_t<(K <= K_max)>>
struct AdamsMoulton::AM_Coefs< K, typename, typename >

Holds the K+1 Adams-Moulton ak coefficients for the K-step AM method. Final one, aK, is stored separately.

The Adams coefficients, a_k, are defined such that:

\[ F_{n+K} = F_{n+K-1} + dx * \sum_{k=0}^K a_k y_{n+k} \]


\[ y = d(F)/dr \]

Note: the 'order' of the coefs is reversed compared to some sources.
The final coefficient is separated, such that:

\[ a_k = b_k / denom \]

for k = {0,1,...,K-1}

\[ a_K = b_K / denom \]

They are stored as doubles regardless of other template parameters.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: