c++ program for high-precision atomic structure calculations of single-valence systems
No Matches
1#pragma once
2#include "Coulomb/YkTable.hpp"
3#include "HF/Breit.hpp"
4#include "Physics/PhysConst_constants.hpp"
5#include "Potentials/Parametric_potentials.hpp"
6#include "Potentials/RadPot.hpp"
7#include <memory>
8#include <string>
9#include <vector>
10class Wavefunction;
11class DiracSpinor;
12class Grid;
13namespace MBPT {
14class CorrelationPotential;
18namespace HF {
23struct EpsIts {
24 double eps{0.0};
25 int its{0};
26 std::string symbol{};
27 friend bool operator<(const EpsIts &l, const EpsIts &r) {
28 return l.eps < r.eps;
29 }
41enum class Method { HartreeFock, ApproxHF, Hartree, KohnSham, Local };
43Method parseMethod(const std::string &in_method);
44std::string parseMethod(const Method &in_method);
51std::vector<double> vex_approx(const DiracSpinor &Fa,
52 const std::vector<DiracSpinor> &core,
53 int k_cut = 99, double lambda_cut = 0.003);
59DiracSpinor vexFa(const DiracSpinor &Fa, const std::vector<DiracSpinor> &core,
60 int k_cut = 99);
73 std::shared_ptr<const Grid> m_rgrid;
74 std::vector<DiracSpinor> m_core;
75 std::vector<double> m_vnuc;
76 std::optional<QED::RadPot> m_vrad;
77 std::optional<HF::Breit> m_VBr;
78 double m_alpha;
79 Method m_method;
80 double m_eps_HF;
81 std::vector<double> m_vdir;
82 Coulomb::YkTable m_Yab;
83 int m_max_hf_its = 128;
109 HartreeFock(std::shared_ptr<const Grid> rgrid, std::vector<double> vnuc,
110 std::vector<DiracSpinor> core,
111 std::optional<QED::RadPot> vrad = std::nullopt,
112 double m_alpha = PhysConst::alpha,
113 Method method = Method::HartreeFock, double x_Breit = 0.0,
114 double eps_HF = 0.0,
115 Parametric::Type potential = Parametric::Type::Green,
116 double H_g = 0.0, double d_t = 0.0);
119 EpsIts solve_core(bool print = true);
126 void
127 solve_valence(std::vector<DiracSpinor> *valence, bool print = true,
128 const MBPT::CorrelationPotential *const Sigma = nullptr) const;
132 const MBPT::CorrelationPotential *const Sigma = nullptr,
133 std::optional<double> eta = std::nullopt,
134 std::optional<int> prev_its = std::nullopt) const;
137 double calculateCoreEnergy() const;
140 DiracSpinor vexFa(const DiracSpinor &Fa) const {
141 // calls static version with HF core
142 return ::HF::vexFa(Fa, m_core, 99);
143 }
146 DiracSpinor VBr(const DiracSpinor &Fv) const;
148 //---------------------------
151 const Grid &grid() const { return *m_rgrid; };
154 std::shared_ptr<const Grid> grid_sptr() const { return m_rgrid; };
157 const std::vector<double> &vdir() const { return m_vdir; }
158 std::vector<double> &vdir() { return m_vdir; }
161 const std::vector<double> &vnuc() const { return m_vnuc; }
162 std::vector<double> &vnuc() { return m_vnuc; }
165 std::vector<double> Hrad_el(int l = 0) const;
168 std::vector<double> Hmag(int l = 0) const;
171 std::vector<double> vlocal(int l = 0) const;
174 Method method() const { return m_method; }
177 double zion() const;
180 bool excludeExchangeQ() const {
181 return m_core.empty() ||
182 !(m_method == Method::HartreeFock || m_method == Method::ApproxHF);
183 }
186 const std::vector<DiracSpinor> &core() const { return m_core; }
189 double alpha() const { return m_alpha; }
192 // not core, for testing)
193 void set_Vrad(QED::RadPot in_vrad) { m_vrad = std::move(in_vrad); } // XXX
195 const QED::RadPot *Vrad() const { return m_vrad ? &*m_vrad : nullptr; }
196 QED::RadPot *Vrad() { return m_vrad ? &*m_vrad : nullptr; }
199 const HF::Breit *vBreit() const { return m_VBr ? &*m_VBr : nullptr; }
201 double x_Breit() const { return m_VBr ? m_VBr->scale_factor() : 0.0; }
204 int num_core_electrons() const;
207 // Solve Dirac equation for core states (just once) using existing vdir
208 // (usually, vdir set to parametric potential beforehand)
209 EpsIts solve_initial_core(const double eps);
210 // Solve equations self-consistantly for core, using local method (either
211 // core-Hartree or Kohn-Sham)
212 EpsIts selfcon_local_core(const double eps_target_HF);
213 // Solve HF equations self-consistantly for core, using approximate HF method
214 EpsIts hf_approx_core(const double eps_target_HF);
215 // Solve HF equations self-consistantly for core, using Hartree-Fock method
216 EpsIts hartree_fock_core();
217 // Solves HF equation for valence state, assuming local potential (Hartree,
218 // Local, Kohn-Sham or approxHF)
219 EpsIts local_valence(DiracSpinor &Fa) const;
221 /*
222 // same as hf_valence, but uses Green method
223 EpsIts hf_valence_Green(
224 DiracSpinor &Fv,
225 const MBPT::CorrelationPotential *const Sigma = nullptr) const;
226 */
228 // Solves HF equation for given state, using non-local Green's method for
229 // inhomogeneous ODE (used for hartree_fock_core()).
230 // Solve Dirac Equation (Eigenvalue):
231 // (H0 + Vl + Vx)Fa = 0
232 // (H0 + Vl)Fa = -VxFa
233 // Vl is local (e.g., Vnuc + fVdir), Vx is non-local (e.g., (1-f)Vdir + Vex)
234 // where v0 = (1-f)Vdir [f=1 for valence states!, so v0 may be empty]
235 // Vx also includes Breit, and Sigma
236 // Small energy adjustmenets (and wfs), solve:
237 // (Hl - e) dF = de * F -VxFa
238 // e -> e+de, F->F+dF
239 // Core is input so can call in a thread-safe way! (with a 'old_core' copy)
240 // Only used in dE from dF
241 void hf_orbital_green(
242 DiracSpinor &Fa, double en, const std::vector<double> &vl,
243 const std::vector<double> &H_mag, const DiracSpinor &VxF,
244 const std::vector<DiracSpinor> &static_core,
245 const std::vector<double> &dv0 = {}, const HF::Breit *const VBr = nullptr,
246 const MBPT::CorrelationPotential *const Sigma = nullptr) const;
248 // Calc's Vex*Fa, for Fa in the core. Fa must be in the core
249 void vex_Fa_core(const DiracSpinor &Fa, DiracSpinor &vexFa) const;
251 // Option to re-scale diract potential so that V(r)~-zion/r at large r
252 enum class ReScale { yes = true, no = false };
253 // Forms direct potential
254 void update_vdir(ReScale re_scale = ReScale::no);
255 // Adds the additional Kohn-Sham parts to Vdir
256 void add_KohnSham_vdir_addition();
258 // Sets Vdir to be parametric potential. By default, Greens potential
259 void
260 set_parametric_potential(bool print = true,
261 Parametric::Type potential = Parametric::Type::Green,
262 double H_g = 0.0, double d_t = 0.0);
264 // Forms approximate vex for all core states
265 void form_approx_vex_core(std::vector<std::vector<double>> &vex) const;
266 std::vector<std::vector<double>> form_approx_vex_core() const;
267 // Forms approximate vex for given core states
268 void form_approx_vex_core_a(const DiracSpinor &Fa,
269 std::vector<double> &vex_a) const;
270 std::vector<double> form_approx_vex_core_a(const DiracSpinor &Fa) const;
272 // Energy guess for core states
273 double enGuessCore(int n, int ka) const;
274 // Energy guess for valence states
275 double enGuessVal(int n, int ka) const;
278} // namespace HF
Calculates + stores Hartree Y functions + Angular (w/ look-up), taking advantage of symmetry.
Definition YkTable.hpp:26
Stores radial Dirac spinor: F_nk = (f, g)
Definition DiracSpinor.hpp:41
Holds grid, including type + Jacobian (dr/du)
Definition Grid.hpp:31
Breit (Hartree-Fock Breit) interaction potential.
Definition Breit.hpp:52
Solves relativistic Hartree-Fock equations for core and valence. Optionally includes Breit and QED ef...
Definition HartreeFock.hpp:70
const std::vector< double > & vnuc() const
Returns reference to Vnuc (nuclear potential)
Definition HartreeFock.hpp:161
const Grid & grid() const
Resturns a const reference to the radial grid.
Definition HartreeFock.hpp:151
double x_Breit() const
Breit scale factor (usualy 0 or 1)
Definition HartreeFock.hpp:201
std::vector< double > Hrad_el(int l=0) const
Electric part of radiative potential.
Definition HartreeFock.cpp:1078
double calculateCoreEnergy() const
Calculates the HF core energy (not including Breit?)
Definition HartreeFock.cpp:653
double zion() const
Effective charge at large Z : zion = Z - num_core_electrons.
Definition HartreeFock.cpp:1162
void set_Vrad(QED::RadPot in_vrad)
Update the Vrad used inside HF (only used if we want QED into valence but.
Definition HartreeFock.hpp:193
double alpha() const
Value of fine-structure constant used.
Definition HartreeFock.hpp:189
std::vector< double > Hmag(int l=0) const
Magnetic (off-diagonal) part of radiative potential. Doesn't currently depend on l.
Definition HartreeFock.cpp:1081
Method method() const
Which method used to solve HF.
Definition HartreeFock.hpp:174
DiracSpinor vexFa(const DiracSpinor &Fa) const
Calculates exchange term Vex*Fa.
Definition HartreeFock.hpp:140
EpsIts hf_valence(DiracSpinor &Fv, const MBPT::CorrelationPotential *const Sigma=nullptr, std::optional< double > eta=std::nullopt, std::optional< int > prev_its=std::nullopt) const
Solves HF equation (+ Sigma) for single valence state.
Definition HartreeFock.cpp:534
const HF::Breit * vBreit() const
pointer to Breit - may be nullptr if no breit
Definition HartreeFock.hpp:199
bool excludeExchangeQ() const
Returns true if exchange not included.
Definition HartreeFock.hpp:180
const std::vector< double > & vdir() const
Returns reference to Vdir (direct HF potential)
Definition HartreeFock.hpp:157
int num_core_electrons() const
Number of electrons in the core.
Definition HartreeFock.cpp:710
void solve_valence(std::vector< DiracSpinor > *valence, bool print=true, const MBPT::CorrelationPotential *const Sigma=nullptr) const
Solves HF for given valence list. They need not already be solutions.
Definition HartreeFock.cpp:144
DiracSpinor VBr(const DiracSpinor &Fv) const
Breit interaction V_Br*Fa.
Definition HartreeFock.cpp:702
EpsIts solve_core(bool print=true)
Solves HF equations self-consitantly for core orbs. Returns epsilon.
Definition HartreeFock.cpp:77
const std::vector< DiracSpinor > & core() const
vector of core orbitals
Definition HartreeFock.hpp:186
std::shared_ptr< const Grid > grid_sptr() const
Resturns copy of shared_ptr to grid [shared resource] - used when we want to construct a new object t...
Definition HartreeFock.hpp:154
const QED::RadPot * Vrad() const
Get (const) ptr to Vrad - may be null.
Definition HartreeFock.hpp:195
std::vector< double > vlocal(int l=0) const
vlocal = vnuc + vrad_el + vdir
Definition HartreeFock.cpp:696
Class holds Flambaum-Ginges QED Radiative Potential.
Definition RadPot.hpp:15
Stores Wavefunction (set of valence orbitals, grid, HF etc.)
Definition Wavefunction.hpp:36
Functions and classes for Hartree-Fock.
Definition CI_Integrals.hpp:12
std::vector< double > vex_approx(const DiracSpinor &Fa, const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &core, int k_cut, const double lambda_cut)
Forms approx (localised) exchange potential, from scratch.
Definition HartreeFock.cpp:947
Methods available for self-consistant field model.
Definition HartreeFock.hpp:41
DiracSpinor vexFa(const DiracSpinor &Fa, const std::vector< DiracSpinor > &core, int k_cut)
Calculates V_exch * Fa, for any orbital Fa (calculates Coulomb integral from scratch).
Definition HartreeFock.cpp:1043
Method parseMethod(const std::string &in_method)
Convers string (name) of method (HartreeFock, Hartree etc.) to enum.
Definition HartreeFock.cpp:25
Many-body perturbation theory.
Definition CI_Integrals.hpp:9
constexpr double alpha
Fine-structure constant: alpha = 1/137.035 999 177(21) [CODATA 2022].
Definition PhysConst_constants.hpp:24
Small struct to store: {eps, its, symbol}. eps=convergence; its=iterations; symbol=which state....
Definition HartreeFock.hpp:23