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AdamsMoulton::ODESolver2D< K, T, Y >

Solves a 2D system of ODEs using a K-step Adams-Moulton method. More...

#include <AdamsMoulton.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 ODESolver2D (Y dt, const DerivativeMatrix< T, Y > *D)
 Construct the solver. dt is the (constant) step size.
constexpr std::size_t K_steps () const
 Returns the AM order (number of steps), K.
last_f ()
 Returns most recent f value. Can also access f array directly.
last_g ()
 Returns most recent g value. Can also access g array directly.
last_t ()
 Returns most recent t value; last_f() := f(last_t())
dt ()
 Returns the step size.
dfdt (Y ft, Y gt, T tt) const
 Returns derivative, df/dt(t), given f(t),g(t),t.
dgdt (Y ft, Y gt, T tt) const
 Returns derivative, dg/dt(t), given f(t),g(t),t.
void drive (T t_next)
 Drives the DE system to next value, F(t), assuming system has already been solved for the K previous values {t-K*dt, ..., t-dt}.
void drive ()
 Overload of drive(T t) for 'default' case, where next t is defined as last_t + dt (for arithmetic/complex types), or last_t++/last_t– for integral types (grid index).
void solve_initial_K (T t0, Y f0, Y g0)
 Automatically sets the first K values for F (and dF), given a single initial value for F, f0=f(t0), fg=g(t0).

Public Attributes

std::array< Y, K > f {}
 Arrays to store the previous K values of f and g.
std::array< Y, K > g {}
std::array< Y, K > df {}
 Arrays to store the previous K values of derivatives, df and dg.
std::array< Y, K > dg {}
std::array< T, K > t {}
 Array to store the previous K values of t: = f(
S_scale {1.0}

Detailed Description

template<std::size_t K, typename T = double, typename Y = double>
class AdamsMoulton::ODESolver2D< K, T, Y >

Solves a 2D system of ODEs using a K-step Adams-Moulton method.

The system of ODEs is defined such that:

\[ \frac{dF(t)}{dt} = D(t) * F(t) + S(t) \]

Where F is a 2D set of functions:

\[ F(t) = \begin{pmatrix} f(t)\\ g(t) \end{pmatrix}, \]

D is the 2x2 "derivative matrix":

\[ D(t) = \begin{pmatrix} a(t) & b(t)\\ c(t) & d(t) \end{pmatrix}, \]

and S(t) is the (optional) 2D inhomogenous term:

\[ S(t) = \begin{pmatrix} s_f(t)\\ s_g(t) \end{pmatrix}. \]

See struct DerivativeMatrix - which is a pure virtual struct that must be implmented by the user in order to define the ODE.

The step-size, dt, must remain constant (since it must remain consistant between the K+1 and previous K points). It may be positive or negative, however (or complex). It's perfectly possible to have a non-uniform grid - this just introduces a Jacobian into the Derivative matrix; dt must still be constant.

The template parameter, T, is the type of the argument of the Derivative Matrix (i.e., type of t). This is often double or complex<double>, but may also be an index type (e.g., std::size_t) if the derivative matrix is only known numerically at certain grid points/stored in an array.

The template parameter, Y, is the type of the function value F(t), and the type of dt, and the return value of the Derivative Matrix. This is often double, but may also be another floating-point type, or std::complex.

The first K points of the function F, and derivative dF/dt, must be known. You may directly access the f,g (function) and df,dg (derivative) arrays, to set these points.

Alternatively, you may use the provided function

void solve_initial_K(T t0, Y f0, Y g0);
void solve_initial_K(T t0, Y f0, Y g0)
Automatically sets the first K values for F (and dF), given a single initial value for F,...
Definition AdamsMoulton.hpp:581

which automatically sets the first K values for F (and dF), given a single initial value for F, f0=f(t0), fg=g(t0), by using successive N-step AM methods, for N={1,2,...,K-1}.

For now, just a 2x2 system. In theory, simple to generalise to an N*N system, though requires a matrix inversion.

Example:** Bessel's differential equation

\[ x^2 \frac{d^2y}{dx^2} + x \frac{dy}{dx} + (x^2-n^2)y = 0 \]

With y(0) = 1.0, the solutions are the Bessel functions, y(x) = J_n(x)

This can be re-written as a pair of coupled first-order ODEs:

\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{dy}{dx} &= p \\ \frac{dp}{dx} &= \left[\left(\frac{n}{x}\right)^2 - 1\right]y - \frac{1}{x}p \end{aligned} \]

Putting this into the notation/form required for the solver we have:

\[ F(x) = \begin{pmatrix} y(x)\\ p(x) \end{pmatrix} \]

with the "derivative matrix":

\[ D(x) = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ \left(\frac{n}{x}\right)^2 - 1 & \frac{-1}{x} \end{pmatrix} \]


for n=1:

struct BesselDerivative : AdamsMoulton::DerivativeMatrix<double, double> {
double a(double) const final { return 0.0; }
double b(double) const final { return 1.0; }
double c(double t) const final { return 1.0/t/t - 1.0; }
double d(double t) const final { return -1.0 / t; }
Pure-virtual struct, holds the derivative matrix for 2x2 system of ODEs. Derive from this,...
Definition AdamsMoulton.hpp:79

Or, more generally (for example):

struct BesselDerivative : AdamsMoulton::DerivativeMatrix<double, double> {
int n;
BesselDerivative(int tn) : n(tn) {}
double a(double) const final { return 0.0; }
double b(double) const final { return 1.0; }
double c(double t) const final { return std::pow(n/t,2) - 1.0; }
double d(double t) const final { return -1.0 / t; }
constexpr double c
speed of light in a.u. (=1/alpha)
Definition PhysConst_constants.hpp:63

Minimal example: – see full examples included elsewhere

// Construct the Derivative matrix (BesselDerivative defined above) with n=0
int n = 0;
BesselDerivative D{n};
// Set the step size:
double dt = 0.01;
// Construct the Solver, using K=6-step method:
// Since 1/t appears in D, we cannot start at zero. Instead, begin at small t
double t0 = 1.0e-6;
// Set initial points:
// Note: these are *approximate*, since they are technically f(0.0)
double f0 = 1.0;
double g0 = 0.0;
// Use automatic solver for first K points:
ode.solve_initial_K(t0, f0, g0);
// Drive forwards another 100 steps
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {;
std::cout << ode.last_t() << " " << ode.last_f() << '\n';
Solves a 2D system of ODEs using a K-step Adams-Moulton method.
Definition AdamsMoulton.hpp:436
Y dt()
Returns the step size.
Definition AdamsMoulton.hpp:502

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ODESolver2D()

template<std::size_t K, typename T = double, typename Y = double>
AdamsMoulton::ODESolver2D< K, T, Y >::ODESolver2D ( dt,
const DerivativeMatrix< T, Y > *  D 

Construct the solver. dt is the (constant) step size.

dt– (constant) step size
D– Pointer to derivative matrix

The step-size, dt, may be positive (to drive forwards) or negative (to drive backwards); it may also be complex.
Note: a pointer to the DerivativeMatrix, tD, is stored. This may not be null, and must outlive the ODESolver2D.

Member Function Documentation

◆ drive()

template<std::size_t K, typename T = double, typename Y = double>
void AdamsMoulton::ODESolver2D< K, T, Y >::drive ( t_next)

Drives the DE system to next value, F(t), assuming system has already been solved for the K previous values {t-K*dt, ..., t-dt}.

Note: t must align with previous values: i.e., t_next = last_t + dt
We re-send t to the function to avoid large build-up of small errors.
There's an overload that avoids this, but care should be taken.
For example, the 10,000th point along t grid may not exactly line up with t0

  • 10000*dt, particularly for complicated non-linear grids.
    The type of t_next (T) must match type required by DerivativeMatrix.
    This is often T=double if analytic formula for derivative is known.
    If we have a numerical approximation to the derivative stored, e.g., on a grid, then we may instead have T=std::size_t (or whatever).

◆ solve_initial_K()

template<std::size_t K, typename T = double, typename Y = double>
void AdamsMoulton::ODESolver2D< K, T, Y >::solve_initial_K ( t0,

Automatically sets the first K values for F (and dF), given a single initial value for F, f0=f(t0), fg=g(t0).

It does this by using successive N-step AM methods, for N={1,2,...,K-1}.
F[0] must be given
F[1] determined using F[0] and a 1-step AM method
F[2] determined using F[0],F[1] and a 2-step AM method
F[K-1] determined using F[0],F[1],...,F[K-2] and a (K-1)-step AM method

Member Data Documentation

◆ f

template<std::size_t K, typename T = double, typename Y = double>
std::array<Y, K> AdamsMoulton::ODESolver2D< K, T, Y >::f {}

Arrays to store the previous K values of f and g.

Note: Stored in the same order, regardless of sign of dt (i.e. whether driving forwards or backwards). So f[0] is the 'oldest' value, f[K-1] is newest.

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