c++ program for high-precision atomic structure calculations of single-valence systems
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Typedefs | Functions
DiracOperator::Hyperfine Namespace Reference

Functions for F(r) [nuclear magnetisation distribution] and similar. More...


using Func_R2_R = std::function< double(double, double)>


auto sphericalBall_F () -> Func_R2_R
 Spherical ball F(r): (r/rN)^3 for r<rN, 1 for r>rN.
auto sphericalShell_F () -> Func_R2_R
 Spherical shell F(r): 0 for r<rN, 1 for r>rN.
auto pointlike_F () -> Func_R2_R
 Pointlike F(r): 1.
auto VolotkaSP_F (double mu, double I_nuc, double l_pn, int gl, bool print=true) -> Func_R2_R
 'Volotka' single-particle model: see Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 063002 (2020)
auto uSP (double mu, double I_nuc, double l_pn, int gl, double n, double R, bool u_option, bool print=true) -> Func_R2_R
 Elizarov et al., Optics and Spectroscopy (2006): u(r) = u0(R-r)^n.
auto doublyOddSP_F (double mut, double It, double mu1, double I1, double l1, int gl1, double I2, double l2, bool print=true) -> Func_R2_R
 'Volotka' SP model, for doubly-odd nuclei: Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 063002 (2020)
double convert_RME_to_AB_2J (int k, int tja, int tjb)
 Converts reduced matrix element to A/B coeficients (takes k, 2J, 2J)
double convert_RME_to_AB (int k, int ka, int kb)
 Converts reduced matrix element to A/B coeficients (takes k, kappa, kappa)
double hfsA (const TensorOperator *h, const DiracSpinor &Fa)
double hfsB (const TensorOperator *h, const DiracSpinor &Fa)
std::vector< double > RadialFunc (int k, double rN, const Grid &rgrid, const Func_R2_R &hfs_F)
 Takes in F(r) and k, and forms hyperfine radial function: F(r,rN)/r^{k+1}.

Detailed Description

Functions for F(r) [nuclear magnetisation distribution] and similar.