c++ program for high-precision atomic structure calculations of single-valence systems
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NAdamsMoultonContains classes and functions which use general N-step Adams Moulton method to solve systems of 2x2 ODEs, up to N=12
 NAngularAngular provides functions and classes for calculating and storing angular factors (3,6,9-J symbols etc.)
 NAtomDataUseful atomic data/functions
 NCIFunctions and classes for Configuration Interaction calculations
 NCoulombFunctions (+classes) for computing Coulomb integrals
 NDiracODEFunctions and classes used to solve the Dirac equation
 NDiracOperatorDirac Operators: General + derived
 NExternalFieldCalculates many-body corrections (RPA) to matrix elements of external field
 NHFFunctions and classes for Hartree-Fock
 NInterpolatorInterpolates functions using cubic splines. Uses GSL:
 NIOIn-out (timers, profilers, and read/write data)
 NLinAlgDefines Matrix, Vector classes, and linear some algebra functions
 NMBPTMany-body perturbation theory
 NNuclearData and useful functions for nuclear properties and potentials. Radii all in Fermi (fm, e-15m) from Nuclear Data Service:
 NqipQip library: A collection of useful functions
 CContinuumOrbitalsClass stores set of continuum orbitals, and solves using Hartree-Fock method
 CDiracSpinorStores radial Dirac spinor: F_nk = (f, g)
 CGridHolds grid, including type + Jacobian (dr/du)
 CGridParametersParmaters used to create Grid
 CWavefunctionStores Wavefunction (set of valence orbitals, grid, HF etc.)